Continuăm seria de mesaje primite prin newsletter în 2011. Vei citi 9 mesaje primite de la Mike Dooley (din filmul The Secret, de acolo îl știi), în cadrul unui newsletter motivațional. Mesajele sunt scrise ca și cum ar proveni de la Univers, care ți se adresează personal. Sunt o sursă de energie de multe ori, cele 9 mesaje fiind cele care mi-au atras cel mai mult atenția și cele care mi-au dat cele mai multe idei bune.
When someone behaves poorly, Alex., it’s always because they’ve forgotten how powerful they really are, how beautiful life is, and how much they’re loved.
The Universe
How adventurous would life be, Alex., if you were “challenge free”? If you had the perfect body, perfect self-esteem, everyone adored you, and you won the lottery every Sunday?
Now what if, painful as they may temporarily be, you could choose a life during which challenges might arise whenever your thinking needed expansion, on the sole condition that every one of them could be overcome no matter how daunting they may at first seem?
Everything makes you more,
The Universe
It’s ALL God, Alex..
Everything, always, and forever.
The Universe
The more one loves for no reason at all, Alex., the easier their life, the greater their friends, and the happier their times.
Love rocks,
The Universe
Alex., oh Alex.-ie-poo… you’re dreaming-g-g-g. And while I abhor the idea of disturbing you when things are getting so very exciting in your life, I just want to remind you that no matter what may ever happen, the dreamer is always greater than the dream.
You’re the greatest –
The Universe
It’s kind of strange, Alex., but first you have to know what you want, defined in terms of the end result. And then you have to physically move towards it, without defining the hows.
At which point, the thing you want actually starts coming to you, on its own terms, from a direction completely unexpected.
Not unlike a cat,
The Universe
People believe what they want to believe, Alex.. And this, alone, explains what they have or don’t have.
Does that make your entire flippin’ day, or what?!
The Universe
What I most want you to dream of, Alex., are possibilities that thrill you.
What I most want you to feel, is happy.
And what I most want you to know, is that you’re loved.
The Universe
Generosity and gratitude, Alex., turn good into great.
Thank you, you’re welcome –
The Universe
"De-aia scriu,
Să-nțelegi că niciodată nu-i târziu
Să mai schimbi ceva în tine, vreau să știu
Cine vine lângă mine în pustiu."
Căutător neobosit de sensuri
Scriu pentru că am întrebări. Scriu pentru că întrebările creează răspunsurile. Scriu pentru că îmi pasă ce răspunsuri îmi influenţează viaţa. Scriu pentru că viaţa pe Pământ nu ţine la nesfârşit.
Căutător neobosit de rime
“Boem incorigibil,
Dosar cu foi nescrise,
Un creator teribil
Alimentat de vise…”
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